2 Weeks Old
Sophie - 4lbs 12oz
Stella - 5lbs 4oz |
Sophie & Stella,
You are now two weeks old and are starting to get into somewhat of a routine. We've had a busy week with visitors and trips out of the house. On Friday we took you on your first walk in your new stroller. Mommy and daddy decided to take a walk down Sentinel Road and asked Uncle Tim to come along too. We walked from Uncle Tim's house down to Lisa G's and were going to order take-out but decided to eat at the restaurant instead. When we walked in, you two basically stopped service as all the waitresses came over to meet you and say hi. Lisa G's is one of mommy & daddy's favorite restaurants and we go there quite a bit, so the staff was all excited to meet you, as well as many of the patrons! You both were so good while we ate and you basically slept through the whole walk and dinner.
On Saturday, Grandma Leanne and Uncle Tony came over for the day. Grandma helped clean the house, take care of you girls and made us her yummy lasagna for dinner. It was so nice to not have to cook dinner for a change! Mommy & daddy took you for your first of many walks around the lake on Sunday. Mommy loves to walk around the lake when its nice out. You see lots of people, get to look at pretty houses, and enjoy the fresh air around the lake. Since we'll be doing a lot of walking, mommy is looking to purchase a
Phil & Teds Explorer stroller. You girls are not big enough for the stroller yet, but once you are we'll be getting one and cruising everywhere. For the time being, we're using the double
Snap 'n Go that holds your car seats. It's not the greatest if you do a lot of walking, but it's very convenient, easy to use, and we don't have to take you out of your car seats which is great at this stage. It's also great because it doesn't take up a lot of room in the trunk of the car and it sets up pretty quickly. We can usually be unloaded and walking within 3-4 minutes!
On Monday we were going to walk around the lake but it started raining. I read on a website that it is important to get out everyday whenever possible, even if it means walking in a mall. Since we don't have a mall here in town, I decided to take you girls to the Olympic Center and walk around the 1980 rink for some exercise. Aunt Juji met us and brought two of her friends to walk with us. When we got to the Olympic Center, it seemed that everyone mommy new there was walking through the halls and had to stop and see you girls. Auntie Tara arrived from NYC that day to coach her student Ruby, so she met up with us for a little while as well. Auntie Tara is the one who gave you the really soft blankies with the ribbons and buttons from Japan. Mommy loves using these blankies because they are so soft!
Your umbilical cords both fell off on Tuesday. It was quite funny how Stella's fell off. Mommy was sitting in the living room and Aunt Juji was changing your diaper. As she started changing your diaper, she started asking me when your umbilical cords fall off.
Aunt Juji: "Hey Kari, when do their umbili...uh-oh."
Mommy: "What's wrong?"
Aunt Juji: "I swear I didn't do anything! It just fell off!"
Mommy: "What, the umbilical cord? That's what it's supposed to do."
Aunt Juji: "Oh."
It was really funny that she was literally asking me when the umbilical cords fall off when it just
fell off! Sophie's fell off the same day in the afternoon. Grandma Leanne was unwrapping your swaddle when it came off. Mommy picked it up and threw it in the garbage and Grandma said, "you're not going to keep that? I kept Julianna's." I think I threw up in my mouth a little when she asked me that. Eww, it's just gross thinking about keeping the remnants of your umbilical cords. What do you do with them, keep them in a Ziploc bag and put it in your baby book? GROSS!
First Trip to Aki's |
On Wednesday, you had a weight check with Dr. Monroe. You both seem to be doing okay; Stella put on 5 ounces but Sophie only gained 2. Dr. Monroe said we have one more week to get Sophie gaining substantial weight...seems like a pretty big challenge, especially since you girls tend to throw up a lot of the milk you drink. Hopefully next week will be better though! That night we met Auntie Tara and Ruby for dinner at Aki's. It was your first trip out for Sushi! Mommy was so excited because it was the first time in 9 months that I've been able to eat raw fish. When I was pregnant with you girls, I could only have sushi rolls that were vegetarian or used shrimp or crab. I couldn't have the smoked salmon, tuna or eel which are some of my favorites! I never thought I would miss a Philly Roll or Crazy Roll so much.
Sophie's cute little smile! |
So tomorrow, mommy has hired a
newborn photographer to come over and do a photo shoot with you girls. Val Laramee does such a great job with newborns and we wanted to have some really cute photos of you as infants to put up in your room and use for your announcements and such. I can't wait for tomorrow and I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out.
A Natural! |
Snuggling with my fur |
Obsessed with your little feet! |
I am so excited for the shoot tomorrow, I decided to play around today with my
Canon Rebel XSi and set up my own "mini photo shoot." I did it in between nursings and we ran out of time, so I only got to play with Sophie on this. It was getting pretty hot in the bedroom too, so we didn't do any more photos after nursing.
Can't wait to post the pictures of your photo shoot next week! You girls are so amazing and I see such little developments everyday. I love holding and kissing you all over!