Monday, December 5, 2011

Snapshots & Studs

My Little Gerber Babies
6 months old!

Dear my cute little baby dolls,
You made it to six months! The picture up above was taken on your six month birthday. Mommy posted it on Facebook and got a ton of comments. They said things like, "they look like Gerber babies" and "they are so cute!" You girls really are very cute. I know I'm your mommy, but you girls are darling. The last few days have been so much fun. Janer put you in the exersaucer and walker and apparently you had a great time. On Saturday, I put you in your jumpers and the two of you had a blast.

Yesterday, we went to Plattsburgh to get some six-month photos taken at Wal-mart. Now, I had no idea what to expect when we got there, but it was total chaos. I wanted to get some photos done of you two for your 6 month mark, but I also wanted to wait until you were both sitting up well to invest in some good photography. Wal-mart was the compromise for the time being. We got there and checked in. The lady said they were running about 15 minutes behind schedule. No problem, mommy & daddy wanted to feed and change you anyway. So we checked back 15 minutes after our appointment was supposed to happen...another photo guy said "well i'm sorry. This family here has the 12:45 and your going to have to wait till after they are done." I said, "No. We've been here since noon waiting and I have 6-month old girls. We are not waiting." The mother of the 12:45 appointment got all snippy with mommy and was extremely rude even though I wasn't talking to her at all. Daddy likes to say I almost got into a fight with a lady at Wal-mart, but I didn't. Needless to say, we got in before "crazy lady" and set you up for your pictures. The photographer directed us what to do and how to pose you, as you don't yet sit up very well. The first pose didn't go so well, but the rest of them did. The photographer snapped pictures away and the two of you started hamming it up. He kept saying that he's never photographed two girls that looked so much like dolls. You girls did look really pretty in these red velvet and tulle dresses you were in. You both kept trying to eat the tulle during the session.

Stella gets her ears pierced
Next on the list during our Plattsburgh outing was the mall. Mommy and daddy's washer broke so we had to buy a new one. Daddy and I picked out this really great red one and also got the dryer to match. I can't wait for it to be delivered so we can start doing laundry again! Thankfully I washed all your clothes right before it died! We got the washer and dryer and then we walked down to Claire's and decided to get your ears pierced. Mommy was so excited and daddy was a really good sport about it. Sophie went first and when they pierced her, she cried for about 20 seconds. By the time mommy turned her around,  she was already smiling. Stella was up next. We got her ears pierced but she didn't recover quite as quickly. It was about 2 minutes before Stella finally calmed down. Right in the middle of Stella getting pierced, some of mommy's friends walked by and took some pictures. Thank goodness or we wouldn't have anything to commemorate this event! Thank you Erin and Kim for taking some pictures!

Before we headed home, we had a diaper-change session and while I was changing Sophie's diaper, these two young ladies walked in and were adoring Sophie and kept saying how cute you girls were and how much you looked like dolls! The lady who pierced your ears also said you girls were the cutest girls she has ever pierced.
I guess it is safe to say that you both are pretty cute. Maybe it is time we contact Auntie Tara at Fireworks to land you girls some baby modeling gigs! Hello Gerber, here we come!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's a Boy...cousin that is!!! - 21 weeks old

Aunt Ashley's Little Bump

My darling little ladies,
We found out last week that you two are going to have a little baby boy cousin named Van Dexter Sears! Aunt Ashley and Uncle Dawson went for their appointment last Thursday and got the "definitive" news that they were having a boy! I'm so excited for your Aunt and Uncle and I'm excited that you girls will have a cousin so close in age to you. Mommy and Uncle Dawson's sister, Desiree will be starting to plan the baby shower in the next few weeks.
Grandpa & Mary
Things with you girls have been rapidly progressing. It seems everyday brings on some new challenges and new revelations. This week we re-introduced your swaddles to you, but are not swaddling your arms in. I don't know if that is doing it or not, but you two have slept soundly all through the night this whole week. Daddy and I have been putting you to bed at about 7pm. You've been getting your nighttime bottle at 6:45 and then you've been sleeping till between 6:15 and 6:45 in the morning! We've also started with the Johnny Jumper this past week. You both love to stand so much and really enjoy bouncing up and down. Mommy also bought the Baby Einstein Activity Jumper but you girls are still to small for it at this time. It looks like a lot of fun, so hopefully we get to use it soon!
Mommy also finally bought your stroller for you. We've been using the Baby Trend double stroller frame for the past few months, but now we have the Baby Jogger City Select double stroller. It is amazing and has so many configurations. You are still too small to use it right now cause you can't sit up unassisted, but when you can we can have the seats both facing mommy or out or they can face each other! Mommy really loves the strolled and can't wait for us to start using it!
So Janer and Meme went to Albany yesterday for the day so you girls got to spend the day with Gigi. It sounds like you all did well and had fun! When mommy came home, Gigi looked so happy. I think it felt really good to her that she got to spend the whole day just her and you girls! She hasn't spent all that much time with you girls lately so i'm happy she could help out.

Mommy & Aunt Ashley
This weekend is Halloween and I feel like it has crept up on us so fast. We didn't even get pumpkins this year and I didn't do a great job at getting Halloween costumes for you either. I did find some cute is a cow and the other is a cheetah, so that's what you're being this year. You also got invited to a Halloween party thrown by Alyssa, Brooklyn, Spencer and we're going to try and attend that on Sunday. I'm sure Janer will be taking you up to the Halloween parade on Monday too if it's not too cold. I guess we'll wait and see!
Mommy will be posting Halloween pictures in a few days so we've got them in our album.

More to come! I love you!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Growing Like Weeds...19 Weeks 6 Days

19 Weeks Old

My posts have been few and far between over the last 3 months as things have been crazier than I had expected and it is harder than I ever thought it would be to steal a few quiet moments to share with you through this blog on a weekly basis. With that said, I'm sure I'll be "back-posting" some entries from July to, if the last few posts that you've read seem short or just full of pictures, it's because I don't really know exactly what happened during that time frame! Why are things going to be changing? I finally thought, "hey, blogger is a pretty big site...they must have an app." So I went to the app market and sure enough there was an app for that. I downloaded it to my phone, so now I really have no excuse. My phone is with me all the time. The most peace and quiet I get during the day is when I'm breastfeeding you girls, so I plan on blogging during that time now so I can keep up with it. Well, now that the big, long winded explanation is out of they way, let's get to the actual entry!

My beautiful Sophie & Stella,
Wow! That's all I can really say. You girls have grown so much in the past few weeks. My beautiful ladies are developing so fast. You are both smiling all the time and starting to giggle quite a bit. You are definitely recognizing me when I come to pick you up at Janer's, and you are both holding your heads well and talking up a storm. Stella started rolling over a few weeks ago and is still trying to figure out how to get her arm out from under her. Yesterday when I picked you up at Janer's, I found out Sophie rolled over from her belly to her back. I almost broke down crying because I missed it. Then I put Sophie on her belly and she immediately rolled over! I was so excited to see you both hit such big milestones!
Daddy & Stella "just hangin' out"
This morning I was changing Sophie and it hit me how much you girls have grown. When we first brought you home, I could fit both of you on the changing table at the same time. This morning, as I changed Sophie into her cute little outfit, I realized that she is taking up a huge portion of the table now all by herself!
You both are really loving bath time too, but are not fans of "after-bath" time. You tend to scream at the top of your lungs from the moment we start dressing you until you get your evening bottles. Hopefully that changes soon!
You girls are starting to play a lot more, too. You are more in touch with your surroundings and have both made "best friends" with your Lambies that Grandpa and Mary gave you and your little plastic links that seem to go with us everywhere!
It's amazing to hear you girls talk. I try and talk with you a lot and tell you stories or explain what I'm doing so you start to learn. A couple of weeks ago the garden was in desperate need of weeding. You both were due for your naps so I brought you into the garden and started weeding. While I did it, I told you what I was doing and how someday the three of us will be kneeling down in the dirt picking weeds together.
So in big news...if I haven't already mentioned it, your Aunt Ashley is pregnant and due on March 13. Mommy is SO excited to meet your new cousin. Aunt Ashley and Uncle Dawson have an important appointment tomorrow morning where they will hopefully find out if they are having a boy or girl. In my heart I think they are having a boy, but a huge part of me wants her to have a girl. When mommy was a little girl, I had a cousin, McKenzie who was the same age as me. Growing up we did everything and were as close, if not closer than sisters. I hope that you girls have that relationship with not only each other, but your cousins.
I'll keep you posted on Aunt Ashley.  I can't wait to continue building this beautiful record of you girls over the next year and hopefully beyond that. Your daddy and I love you both so much and cherish every moment we have with you.

Love always,

Sunday, July 31, 2011

8 Weeks Old - Our Last Day Together: July 31

Sophie & Stella, my two little darlings:

Stella sitting up on the couch
I'm sitting here nursing you girls on my amazing new twin nursing pillow from Double Blessings and I'm just staring at you both realizing how beautiful you girls are. Whenever we go anywhere, we're always stopped and people are constantly saying, "look at that hair!" and "they are so beautiful!" You girls really are beautiful. Today is our last day together before mommy goes back to work. It has been a tough day, too! Not just has it been tough because I know we won't be able to spend every moment together tomorrow, but you both have been quite fussy. It's like you sense that it is our last day and you don't want me to go. I don't want to go, either. I'm going to be very sad when I drop you off at Spruce Lodge tomorrow to be with Janer and have to drive my car with two empty car seat bases in the back. I've never been away from you girls for more than an hour and it is going to kill me to spend 5 hours without you.

Resting After Your Shots
You girls went to your first Well Child check up with Dr. Monroe on Friday and got 3 shots each. I think that is part of why you are so fussy right now. Your check up went very well though and you both are exactly 2 lbs heavier than you were at birth. Sophie is 7lbs 3oz and Stella is 7lbs 10oz. Daddy and I keep saying that you are definitely gaining weight, cause we can see it with how your clothes fit now. Stella is starting to grow out of Newborn and starting to wear 0-3 months clothes. You both are definitely long and thin because the newborn is fitting you perfectly around, but is getting too short for you. Your footsie sleepers are too short for you now and it seems you just started fitting in them a week or two ago!

Yesterday you went to your first family reunion on daddy's side. It was out at the Old Wheel camp on ADK Loj road and everyone finally got to see you! You were both really good while daddy played in his annual softball game. It was really nice to see everyone and for everyone to meet you. We all see each other once a year if we're lucky so it was great we got to bring you and you were both good! Next year will be totally different as you will most likely just be starting to walk.

Sophie having a fit with her Cowgirl Hat on
This morning you were both a little fussy after nursing, so daddy and I put Sophie in her new bouncy rocker and Stella in the Nap Nanny. Mommy and Stella were looking at each other and I finally got my first "Social Smiles" from Stella! You were all smiles and trying to really made mommy's day. It also makes me sad that I may miss some of these milestones now that I'll be at work. Stella and Mommy kept smiling back and forth for a while and then we went and laid on the activity mat. Stella played on the mat for a good 30 minutes, batting at the dangling toys. It was great that you were content because Sophie was not this morning. It seemed we couldn't do anything to calm her down; all she wanted was to be held.

Daddy with his "Crying Muffs" on
Last night was a very similar story. Fussy time came later than usual, about 8pm and it only lasted about 2 1/2 hours this time (it is usually closer to 4), but it seemed extra fussy and Daddy & Mommy were already tired from being at the reunion all day. Mommy & Daddy tried everything to calm you girls down. Once one would calm down, the other would start crying. Mommy found out that Stella calmed down when she looked at the black and white photographs on the wall, so we did that for a while. Once Stella calmed down a bit, I traded with Daddy and took fussy Sophie. Mommy put Sophie in the Bjorn and she finally settled down. soon as Sophie settled, Stella started fussing again. This is probably the hardest part about raising twins: it is hard to keep you both calm when you are fussing. If you fuss at the same time, the crying is in stereo and both mommy and daddy are trying to keep you calm. If you fussing alternates, it seems one parent never gets to relax! Finally, we put both of you in front carriers and you calmed down so mommy & daddy could eat dinner. We finally got you to sleep at about 11:00 and mommy & daddy were exhausted and falling asleep too!

Some milestones that we have been noticing this week:

  • Stella gave mommy Social Smiles - July 31
  • Sophie & Stella are both picking their heads up and turning them from side to side when on tummy
  • Sophie & Stella are both making new noises
  • Sophie & Stella are both making eye contact and following objects
  • Your "Wubbies" seem to help calm you down when you are fussing
Wish me luck tomorrow when I go back to work. I can't wait for the 5 hours to end so I can be holding you both in my arms again, snuggling and kissing you and watching you grow.

I love you both so much!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

7 weeks 6 days - July 27

Sophie & Stella,

Good morning to you girls. It is definitely a good morning, because last night was the first night you slept through the night!!!

Yesterday was your first day spent at Spruce Lodge with Janer. Mommy is going back to the office on Monday, and so this week we are spending the mornings at Spruce Lodge so you can get used to being there and being around people other than me. I spent the day with you and did my work from Spruce Lodge. This also gives Janer a chance to get comfortable with your routine. It seems like you girls are adjusting just fine to the new environment and we actually found two rockers/bouncers that you really seem to like. One was at Spruce Lodge and your cousin Jacob had one too that we had to talk him into letting you girls borrow! As soon as we placed you in the rockers, you feel asleep almost instantly. I couldn't believe it! I think part of it was that they are at the perfect angle for you to sleep but not spit up so much. Mommy loved the rockers so much, she overnighted two more for home! These Fisher Price baby rockers are amazing and I love them so much, as do you!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy 1 Month Birthday!

1 Month Old

Sophie & Stella,
Happy 1 month birthday to my two cute little dumplings! Mommy and daddy have had so much fun watching you girls grow up. Mommy bought a CD of baby music called "Daybreak." When Aunt Juji was a baby, we played this CD every morning when we got her up and ready, so I bought it and have been playing it every morning with you girls.

This week was the first time mommy left you home alone with someone other than daddy. Aunt Juji babysat you for a half an hour while mommy went for a run. I was a little nervous leaving you alone with anyone so soon, but Aunt Juji has been helping mommy out every day with taking care of you, so I knew she would do a good job! You girls slept the whole time anyway.

Daddy and I have noticed that you are sleeping better this week. We've started getting into a routine at night. When it's time for your last feeding, mommy nurses and burps, and then we get you changed into your swaddles, turn on your Lambie noise machine, and read a few books. Sometimes we have a bath before nursing and we always end the night reading "Good Night Moon."

Tummy time has become enjoyable to you both and you are really liking your Activity Gym that Noel and Jake bought you. You both are starting to lift your heads and turn them from side to side, showing how strong you are! Here is a video of Sophie playing on the activity mat for the very first time.

You girls are starting to notice black and white patterns whenever we put them in front of you. Your activity mat has a lot of black and white on it and so do your crib bumpers that I made you. Everytime I catch you looking at the patterns, your eyes get all big and you look like you're in a distant daze. It is so cute.

Inside of Bumpers with Houndstooth pattern
Speaking of your crib bumpers, I finally finished one set. I still have to sew together the second set, but I haven't found the time and you're still sleeping in one crib for now. I got the pattern from this great site and the bumpers were really easy to make. At first I was a little intimidated because I hadn't sewn in quite a few years and it seemed that sewing on a binding/piping would be more than I could handle, seeing as I like everything to look professionally done. But, the bumpers turned out really good and I'm so happy with them. I also finished your toddler bed comforters. Everything matches now and you have some beautiful patterns and fabrics in your nursery now. The last piece to do is just hanging up the ribbon mobiles I made.

First Trip to the Jumps!
This week was Daddy's first day ski jumping this summer. Daddy has been a ski jumper since he was 6 years old and got to jump in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, UT as a forerunner. Daddy likes to jump in the summer and tries to get out a few times each year. He is planning on jumping in the Lake Placid Saturday Series this summer with all the young athletes.

Mommy brought you to the ski jumps for the first time this week to watch Daddy jump. Everyone was so excited to meet you! I'm sure you will have hundreds and hundreds of trips to the ski jumps over the years. Everyone is asking which one of you will be a future jumper, especially now that Women's Ski Jumping is an Olympic sport! I guess we'll have to see if either of you end up doing it or taking up something else instead. Uncle Casey votes for Golf or Tennis!

I can't believe you girls are already 1 month old. It seems like yesterday I was holding you for the very first time and now you are a month old! I can't wait to enjoy the next month.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Model shoot proofs

So we got the proofs back from the photo shoot last week, and oh my gosh are mommy and daddy excited. The photos turned out gorgeous! They were all posted on facebook and everyone commented on them. In fact, when we were at the pediatrician's office last week another mom was in the waiting room and when we walked in she said, "oh my gosh, is that Sophie and Stella?" I had never seen this woman in my life, but she recognized you from your photo shoot pictures on facebook. You two are little Internet Celebrities!!! Here is a snapshot of some of the pictures taken during the photo shoot with Picture Perfect Photography:

One of my favs...I love Stella's crooked grin!

The "Womb Mates"


Stella my Princess!
Sophie the Princess

Stella - such a cute grin!
Sophie the Angel

Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 Weeks Old - June 23, 2011

3 Weeks Old
Sophie - 5lbs 4oz
Stella - 5lbs 9oz

Sophie & Stella,
Congratulations! You are both finally back over 5 lbs!!! We went to the Pediatrician's office today for another weight check and we were so nervous because you both have been throwing up so much that we didn't think you had gained any weight. Stella got weighed first and she gained another 5 ounces. When they put Sophie on the scale, I held my breath thinking you had lost weight. To my surprise you gained 8 ounces in 8 days! Pretty good, kid. I could finally breath again. I'm glad to see that we are doing things right and you are getting enough to eat.

Here's a recap of what happened with you girls this week:

Photo Shoot with "Picture Perfect Photography"
We had the photo shoot with Val on Friday. Oh my was so cute! You girls were so good and Val is so amazing with infants. We finished the photo shoot in a record 3 hours. Apparently, by the time we had Sophie's part shot, Val is still trying to get some infants to settle down enough to just start. We were totally ahead of the game and you girls are naturals, which is a good thing because I'm sure mommy will be putting you in plenty of photo shoots when you're a bit older!

On Saturday, Lisa G's had the annual "Dam Duck Race" where they drop 100's of rubber ducks into the Chubb River. The ducks are purchased by people as a fundraiser and the person who's duck goes over the dam and crosses the finish line first wins the raffle money. There are always a ton of people at this event and we decided to bring you girls and be social. We walked into Lisa G's and immediately people swarmed you two! People came to visit and see you both the entire 2 hours we were there. It was quite crazy, but everyone just loves you!

June 20, 2011
Your First "BathTub" Bath
Sunday was daddy's first father's day, and it was a great day but a very busy day! You girls gave daddy a really cute card that mommy picked out (and obviously filled out for you), daddy loved his card. We decided to go to Plattsburgh for the day, as we had a lot of little things that we needed to pick up to stock the nursery. This was your first trip to Plattsburgh and our first time taking you girls outside of Lake Placid. It took some careful planning: making sure we had the diaper bag packed, planning out when you needed to nurse so we could work around that, figuring out how to shop easily with two car seats. Daddy and I had to each push a cart so that your car seats could rest in the shopping carts. We also went to your first "Sunday Family Dinner" with daddy's family. Sunday dinner is a tradition in the Hoffman household, every Sunday the family gets together with Papa and Janer at Spruce Lodge for dinner. You girls were very good, sleeping through most of dinner. You also got passed around a lot, as everyone wants to hold you, especially Aunt Ashleah! After dinner, daddy took you girls for a drive in the car to Wilmington. Daddy and Uncle Tim had to get Uncle Tim's car down there, so daddy was nice enough to take you both with him so mommy could get in her first run. Mommy was sad to see you go in the car without me, but was very excited to take my first run since the half marathon I ran when I was 5 weeks pregnant with you. I ran from Spruce Lodge to home, so it wasn't very far but it felt so good. Mommy is training for two half marathons this year; one in September and one in November.

The best part of Sunday was that you slept through the night at only 2 1/2 weeks old! You girls tend to have "cranky time" just like your Aunt Leah, and it tends to be anywhere between 7-9pm. Daddy and I named Stella "Lady Fussy Pants" because she seems to be the fussier of the two most of the time. We call Sophie "Madame Pukes-a-Lot" because you've been spitting up so much. Hopefully these names won't stick with you, but I had to document them because they are kind of humorous. Anyway, on Sunday we had Cranky Time until about 11:00pm and mommy put you down in your cribs at 11:30pm. You girls did not wake up until 6:30 the next morning. I did have to get up in the middle of the night to feed you, because you're not supposed to go more than 4 hours without being fed, so I fed you both while you slept and then put you back to bed. I'm sure it was a fluke that you slept through the night, but it felt so great!!!

Mommy & Great Grammie

Aunt Ashley and Stella
Great Grammie and Sophie
Monday we spent the day with Aunt Ashley. We walked around the lake in the morning because it was so beautiful and then we went to visit Great Grammie for the afternoon. Great Grammie cannot get enough of you girls. Every time we visit, her eyes light up, it is just so cute. I really hope that you are both blessed to know your Great Grammie like mommy does...she is such a special person to me and I hope you get the chance to have a great relationship with her. She loves you both so much!

Stella also found her thumb on Monday. Mommy was holding "Lady Fussy Pants" because she was surprisingly fussy (who would have thought!) when all of a sudden, you calmed yourself down by sticking your thumb in your mouth. It was so exciting to watch you do it, because at this point you both hadn't done too much other than sleep!

Mommy is really excited to see all the little progressions you girls make as you continue to get older. It is just such a blessing to watch you both grow everyday and learn new things. Mommy learns new things everyday, too and I can't wait to share them with you and teach you everything. I love you both so very much!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

2 Weeks Old - June 16, 2011

2 Weeks Old
Sophie - 4lbs 12oz
Stella - 5lbs 4oz

Sophie & Stella,
You are now two weeks old and are starting to get into somewhat of a routine. We've had a busy week with visitors and trips out of the house. On Friday we took you on your first walk in your new stroller. Mommy and daddy decided to take a walk down Sentinel Road and asked Uncle Tim to come along too. We walked from Uncle Tim's house down to Lisa G's and were going to order take-out but decided to eat at the restaurant instead. When we walked in, you two basically stopped service as all the waitresses came over to meet you and say hi. Lisa G's is one of mommy & daddy's favorite restaurants and we go there quite a bit, so the staff was all excited to meet you, as well as many of the patrons! You both were so good while we ate and you basically slept through the whole walk and dinner.

On Saturday, Grandma Leanne and Uncle Tony came over for the day. Grandma helped clean the house, take care of you girls and made us her yummy lasagna for dinner. It was so nice to not have to cook dinner for a change! Mommy & daddy took you for your first of many walks around the lake on Sunday. Mommy loves to walk around the lake when its nice out. You see lots of people, get to look at pretty houses, and enjoy the fresh air around the lake. Since we'll be doing a lot of walking, mommy is looking to purchase a Phil & Teds Explorer stroller. You girls are not big enough for the stroller yet, but once you are we'll be getting one and cruising everywhere. For the time being, we're using the double Snap 'n Go that holds your car seats. It's not the greatest if you do a lot of walking, but it's very convenient, easy to use, and we don't have to take you out of your car seats which is great at this stage. It's also great because it doesn't take up a lot of room in the trunk of the car and it sets up pretty quickly. We can usually be unloaded and walking within 3-4 minutes!

On Monday we were going to walk around the lake but it started raining. I read on a website that it is important to get out everyday whenever possible, even if it means walking in a mall. Since we don't have a mall here in town, I decided to take you girls to the Olympic Center and walk around the 1980 rink for some exercise. Aunt Juji met us and brought two of her friends to walk with us. When we got to the Olympic Center, it seemed that everyone mommy new there was walking through the halls and had to stop and see you girls. Auntie Tara arrived from NYC that day to coach her student Ruby, so she met up with us for a little while as well. Auntie Tara is the one who gave you the really soft blankies with the ribbons and buttons from Japan. Mommy loves using these blankies because they are so soft!

Your umbilical cords both fell off on Tuesday. It was quite funny how Stella's fell off. Mommy was sitting in the living room and Aunt Juji was changing your diaper. As she started changing your diaper, she started asking me when your umbilical cords fall off.

Aunt Juji:     "Hey Kari, when do their umbili...uh-oh."
Mommy:      "What's wrong?"
Aunt Juji:     "I swear I didn't do anything! It just fell off!"
Mommy:      "What, the umbilical cord? That's what it's supposed to do."
Aunt Juji:     "Oh."

It was really funny that she was literally asking me when the umbilical cords fall off when it just fell off! Sophie's fell off the same day in the afternoon. Grandma Leanne was unwrapping your swaddle when it came off. Mommy picked it up and threw it in the garbage and Grandma said, "you're not going to keep that? I kept Julianna's." I think I threw up in my mouth a little when she asked me that. Eww, it's just gross thinking about keeping the remnants of your umbilical cords. What do you do with them, keep them in a Ziploc bag and put it in your baby book? GROSS!

First Trip to Aki's
On Wednesday, you had a weight check with Dr. Monroe. You both seem to be doing okay; Stella put on 5 ounces but Sophie only gained 2. Dr. Monroe said we have one more week to get Sophie gaining substantial weight...seems like a pretty big challenge, especially since you girls tend to throw up a lot of the milk you drink. Hopefully next week will be better though! That night we met Auntie Tara and Ruby for dinner at Aki's. It was your first trip out for Sushi! Mommy was so excited because it was the first time in 9 months that I've been able to eat raw fish. When I was pregnant with you girls, I could only have sushi rolls that were vegetarian or used shrimp or crab. I couldn't have the smoked salmon, tuna or eel which are some of my favorites! I never thought I would miss a Philly Roll or Crazy Roll so much.
Sophie's cute little smile!
So tomorrow, mommy has hired a newborn photographer to come over and do a photo shoot with you girls. Val Laramee does such a great job with newborns and we wanted to have some really cute photos of you as infants to put up in your room and use for your announcements and such. I can't wait for tomorrow and I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out.
A Natural!

Snuggling with my fur

Obsessed with your little feet!

I am so excited for the shoot tomorrow, I decided to play around today with my Canon Rebel XSi and set up my own "mini photo shoot." I did it in between nursings and we ran out of time, so I only got to play with Sophie on this. It was getting pretty hot in the bedroom too, so we didn't do any more photos after nursing.

Can't wait to post the pictures of your photo shoot next week! You girls are so amazing and I see such little developments everyday. I love holding and kissing you all over!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

1 Week Old - June 9, 2011

1 Week Old
Sophie: 4lbs 10oz
Stella: 4lbs 15oz

You are one week old today. We've been home for 2 days now and you seem to be adjusting okay. Our first night home was interesting and mommy was quite a basket case. All I could think about was SIDS and how I was going to get any sleep while worrying that you both could breathe okay and wouldn't suffocate at all. We bought a Pack 'n Play and put it in our bedroom. Our intention was that you would sleep in that until you grew out of it and then we would move you into your nursery into the cribs. That idea did not last very long. The bassinet for the Pack 'n Play is not extremely flat and you both are somewhat of "rollers" so I am just so worried that you will roll over onto your stomachs or that you will roll into the side of the bassinet and not have enough airflow and suffocate. It's absolutely amazing the false sense of security you have in a hospital. I never once thoughts about SIDS while I was in the hospital. I guess you just think "okay, the nurses know what they're doing, so I won't worry about anything." When you get home it is a totally different story. I'm not an anxious person by nature, but I had a lot of anxiety that first night. One, you girls would not stop crying and we couldn't get you to settle down. Two, I was so anxious I couldn't calm down. Daddy and I decided to put you in bed with us for the first night which worked out well. We all got a decent amount of sleep from what I recall...I'm slightly sleep deprived right now, so bare with me!

Hanging in your Swings, waiting to meet the dogs!
Your first full day at home was yesterday and mommy and daddy were so excited (and nervous) for you to meet Desmo and Ohlins. Sheila has been keeping them with her over the past week while we've been in the hospital. She always takes the dogs when we are away and they love spending time with her! Mommy and Daddy got up kind of early so that we could get everything cleaned up and put away before the dogs came. The dogs really hate the vacuum so we wanted to get that taken care of before they came also, because they like to bark a lot and we weren't sure how you both would react to them. Sheila arrived with the pups around 8:15am and we had you both up on the table in your swings so that the dogs couldn't smother you right away. Sure enough, as soon as they came in the door and greeted us, they were on the trail of you girls! We had sent some of your swaddle blankets from the hospital home with Sheila so the dogs would be used to your smells. The dogs figured out you were up on the table and that was all they could fixate on! Finally once they settled down, we introduced everyone to each other. We weren't so sure how the dogs would react to you, but they seem to be doing quite well. They follow us everywhere when we are holding you and they check on you when you're in your crib to make sure that you're both okay. It is really cute! Mommy was so excited that the weather was going to be nice once we got home, but it turned out that it was going to be too nice...and HOT. The first day you girls were home, we hit record highs in the 90s. It was so hot in our house that neither of you really wanted to eat. Daddy was frantically trying to get fans going so that we could feel some of the cool air from the basement.

Great Grammie LaBrake holding "Sparkle"
Great Grammie and Gramps LaBrake came over yesterday also. They have been dying to meet you both. Great Grammie has been talking about you girls for months saying how excited she is for your arrival and she can't wait to hold you both. Yesterday she got the chance! I can't wait for you girls to be old enough to really "know" your Great Grammie. She is one of the most amazing people I know, and is like a mother to me. I spent so much time with her when I was growing up and she taught me so much about everything. I really hope that you have the opportunity to get to know her well because she is THE BEST! She also gave you nicknames yesterday. When I was a little girl, I used to get off the bus at Grammie's house and skip down the driveway to the house. Grandma always used to say, "Here comes Little Miss Tinkle Toes." So, since I'm Little Miss Twinkle Toes, you girls have been named Sparkle and Twinkle; Stella is Sparkle and Sophie is Twinkle.

Today we had our first pediatrician visit with Dr. Monroe. She is an amazing pediatrician and we are so glad that we are with her practice! We weighed you both and you both lost weight again since we left the hospital, but Dr. Monroe was not too concerned with that; she said all newborns tend to lose a little more weight after they leave the hospital, especially late Pre-termers like yourselves. Our goal over the next week is to plump you both up a bit, so we'll be focusing a lot on feeding and sleeping as much as possible so that you are taking in lots of calories and not burning them up with unnecessary "handling" and such. After our pediatrician visit, mommy & daddy took you to visit mommy's work, Adworkshop. All the girls there came out of their offices to meet you both. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and for them to see our two precious little girls!

Well, that's pretty much it for week 1. Mommy plans on writing to you weekly so that we can keep up on all your "firsts" and document our lives as you both grow up to be happy, healthy babies and eventually toddlers. I look forward to what lies ahead and can't wait to accept all the challenges that will be coming our way.

I love you both so much!
