Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's a Boy...cousin that is!!! - 21 weeks old

Aunt Ashley's Little Bump

My darling little ladies,
We found out last week that you two are going to have a little baby boy cousin named Van Dexter Sears! Aunt Ashley and Uncle Dawson went for their appointment last Thursday and got the "definitive" news that they were having a boy! I'm so excited for your Aunt and Uncle and I'm excited that you girls will have a cousin so close in age to you. Mommy and Uncle Dawson's sister, Desiree will be starting to plan the baby shower in the next few weeks.
Grandpa & Mary
Things with you girls have been rapidly progressing. It seems everyday brings on some new challenges and new revelations. This week we re-introduced your swaddles to you, but are not swaddling your arms in. I don't know if that is doing it or not, but you two have slept soundly all through the night this whole week. Daddy and I have been putting you to bed at about 7pm. You've been getting your nighttime bottle at 6:45 and then you've been sleeping till between 6:15 and 6:45 in the morning! We've also started with the Johnny Jumper this past week. You both love to stand so much and really enjoy bouncing up and down. Mommy also bought the Baby Einstein Activity Jumper but you girls are still to small for it at this time. It looks like a lot of fun, so hopefully we get to use it soon!
Mommy also finally bought your stroller for you. We've been using the Baby Trend double stroller frame for the past few months, but now we have the Baby Jogger City Select double stroller. It is amazing and has so many configurations. You are still too small to use it right now cause you can't sit up unassisted, but when you can we can have the seats both facing mommy or out or they can face each other! Mommy really loves the strolled and can't wait for us to start using it!
So Janer and Meme went to Albany yesterday for the day so you girls got to spend the day with Gigi. It sounds like you all did well and had fun! When mommy came home, Gigi looked so happy. I think it felt really good to her that she got to spend the whole day just her and you girls! She hasn't spent all that much time with you girls lately so i'm happy she could help out.

Mommy & Aunt Ashley
This weekend is Halloween and I feel like it has crept up on us so fast. We didn't even get pumpkins this year and I didn't do a great job at getting Halloween costumes for you either. I did find some cute is a cow and the other is a cheetah, so that's what you're being this year. You also got invited to a Halloween party thrown by Alyssa, Brooklyn, Spencer and we're going to try and attend that on Sunday. I'm sure Janer will be taking you up to the Halloween parade on Monday too if it's not too cold. I guess we'll wait and see!
Mommy will be posting Halloween pictures in a few days so we've got them in our album.

More to come! I love you!!

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