Sorry it's been so long since the last post. Mommy's life has been pretty hectic trying to wrap things up at work and preparing for your arrivals. Mommy had a baby shower two weeks ago on March 26 at Aunt Jessica's house. Your Aunts Ashleah, Jessica, and Ashley threw the shower with help from your Grandma's Janer and Leanne. The shower was mainly family and a few family friends. It was really cute and nice to see everyone. You girls were really spoiled at the shower with lots of cute clothes.
I think my favorite was from your Great Gram & Gramps LaBrake. Gramps picked out these adorable pink chiffon dresses and little white patent leather mary jane shoes. Also mommy's Aunt Colleen and cousin Kara sent little black bodysuits with pink tutus attached to them. I can't wait to put you both in these with little pink tights on!
Daddy's whole family pitched in and bought a crib, mattress and rocking chair, while mommy's family purchased the other crib, mattress and rocking chair. Mommy got really emotional when she found out the cribs and rocking chairs were purchased. I cried at the shower because it they were such big purchases and our families came together to make sure that we had some of the important nursery items we really needed. It was a lot of weight off my shoulders and I can't wait to set the cribs up...they are so cute!
Uncle Dan made the two cakes with your names on them. The cake was so good, mommy ate two from each cake! Aunt Ashley also had your names personalized on pink and green M&Ms and handed them out in little purses as the shower favors. It was a really nice shower and I had such a good time. It took forever for me to go through all the gifts. Your nursery was so filled with stuff, we could barely open the door!

Mommy and daddy ended up putting a closet system in your closet so that we can fit lots of clothes in there. We still have 2 more months till you come and 1 more shower on April 30th and your closet is already jam packed with clothes (you're already taking after mommy)!! Mommy also set up the rocking chairs tonight so she has a place to sit in the nursery and think about what life is going to be like when you both bless us with your presence!
Mommy and daddy have had a couple of doctor's appointments since we found out you were both going to be girls. So far, everything seems to be gong well and you both are growing at a normal pace. Mommy started having dreams that one of you was going to turn out as a boy, so the sonographer double-checked and sure enough you are both girls! We actually had an appointment in Burlington this morning and daddy and I got to see how much you both have grown. It is amazing to watch you both moving inside mommy's tummy. As of right now you both are about 15 inches. Sophie weights 2 lbs 10 oz. and Stella weighs 2 lbs 13 oz.
Your Aunt Ashley has started planning our second baby shower for April 30th and it's mainly going to be mommy & daddy's friends. It will be so nice to see everyone while I can still get around! You both have been very active lately with lots of little fists and feet protruding out from my tummy. It is very funny to watch and me & daddy will sometimes sit and watch my belly for up to an hour while you both play! Right now you are both head down. Sophie is sitting lower than Stella but all 4 legs and feet are all together on the upper right side of mommy's tummy. Your 4 feet kick all day long and make me laugh!
Mommy and daddy have also been thinking about important people that have been a part of our lives for a long time and that we hope will be a special part of your lives. We decided on your godparents and can't wait until you both get to meet them. Two of daddy's closest friends, Tim Maxwell and Tobin Whitman will be your godfathers and mommy's best friend from Florida State, Leah Hubbard and your Aunt Ashley are your godmothers. They are all very happy and honored. Mommy and daddy still need to figure out who gets which kid. We may just pick names out of a hat or maybe both of you will have two godmothers and fathers! They are all really excited to meet you and I hope you become close with them like mommy and daddy are.
Can't wait to see you both real soon!
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